Only four years later

Only four years later
This is Jon in April 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 81

Wow, what a week! You know how your mind says one thing and your body can't seem to fulfill the task. Well that would be me. I have so many things I want and need to do, however, the stamina is just not there. I went out today to do yard work and after mowing the grass I wanted to edge and trim. Too wiped out, I ended up cleaning up and coming inside. Last week I did all of the trimming and edging and cutting and was wiped out for 2 to 3 days afterwards. Patience is a virtue. I must learn patience.............I had clinic yesterday. I think it's really a bitch session for me with the doctor and nurses. I tell them all that ails me, and they try to figure out what to do about it. I am actually doing well except my energy level has been way down. The doctor checked some of my previous lab work and found out that I was no longer a man. Well, my testosterone level was non-existent. The two indicators were both at or below zero. Go figure. I got a testosterone shot and expected to see a dramatic difference right away. What did I say before, Patience. Well, finally today I am feeling my energy level beginning to rise. Thank God!................I go to Clinic, which is at Tampa General Hospital every 2 weeks and they draw oodles of blood for lab work every time. I get a call a day or two later with results. Every time lab work comes back great, which indicates no rejection and no infection.... They do alter my medications from time to time. Remember, I now take approximately 40 pills a day and Insulin shots to the stomach twice a day. These will be reduced over time, but I will take anti-rejection pills for the rest of my life. Hopefully , when they reduce the steroids that I take, I will stop the Insulin shots as well. Please, I am not looking for sympathy this is just information that I am sharing. I am very lucky. I got a second chance. Many people don't get a second chance and many are much worse off than I am................Are you an Organ Donor?    Think about it............They are having a Transplant Picnic on Saturday that we are going to. The doctors nurses and previous transplant recipients as well as potential transplant recipients will be there. Should be interesting to hear the stories. Hopefully I can get some pics and post them. I did put some more recent photos on the blog last week. If you get a chance check them out at