I know it hasn't been a week since my last post. Good news, I got a call with results from Tuesday's biopsy and clinic. Biopsy came back negative. No rejection and no infection. Lab work came back great all levels are good and kidney function is good. They also cut back on some of my steroids from 20 mg per day to 15 mg per day. The goal is by the end of the first year to have these steroids down to 5 mg per day. I also asked if they thought that I would be able to stop the insulin injections at some point. The answer was an educated yes. Oh, and now clinic will be once a month instead of every two weeks. Yeah!
I started walking again, after getting scolded at the hospital on Tuesday. Somewhere around 2 miles per day. I'm over the 7 to 10 mile walks. Remember it's mid 90 degrees here.
These are the reports that I like to hear. It shows real progress and it lifts the spirits. Have a great day.