Today is 11 months!I feel good and I am able to do most anything I want. Weather here has been suckey, so that limits my ability to do things. However, I am blessed in so many ways. To have a second chance like this is truly amazing. I hope I can live up to my and your expectations and make a difference in this world. It is easy to get down, especially with the state of the economy. Not just the US or World economy, but for each of our personal economys. The media and the access to news doesn't help. Remember that we live in a world of sensationalism. The more spectacular the story, the more it is reported.
My biggest and best blessing is my Loving and Devoted wife Linda. What a treasure! She has been my rock and my caregiver and my sounding board. But most of all she is my Best Friend. We have been through some wonderful times and some very trying times, but she has hung in there. I wish that each and everyone of you, if you haven't already, find your true soul mate that make your lives complete and satisfying. I have! Thank you, Linda, my true "Better Half".
Next month I go in for my annual check-up. It will be 2 days of extreme testing, biopsies and blood work. I am sure it will all be good. Then, hopefully, I will be on an "annual only" exam schedule. I hope to then be able to do more and not be tied so much to proximity to Doctors. and Hospitals.
I know that I previously talked of a profound blog that I was going to do. I just haven't gotten the spark needed to write it. Hopefully soon.
Take care and Love to all.