Passed the 3 month point. Feeling good. Just disappointed with the level of stamina, or lack of stamina. Still weak on the right side, but overall I feel good. My appetite is good, maybe too good. I've gained another 3 pounds. Better start slowing down. With the energy level low, I don't burn as many calories as I need to maintain a low weight. Trying to maintain at 175 lbs, I am at 174.
Linda and I went on a road trip to Kentucky to visit our good friends Mike and Gloria. They just transferred to Louisville from Portland Oregon. Beautiful house, beautiful area and such good friends. Thanks for a great time. We drove up on Friday and returned Tuesday. Good trip, except it took two hours to go through Atlanta. The trip turned into a 15 hour ordeal. Fortunately we broke it up into 2 days.
It's hot here in Florida and that makes it more difficult to get out and do things. Especially in my condition, I have to cover up and protect myself from the sun. Hat, long sleeves, long pants and sunglasses are usually the dress to do outside tasks. My immune system is compromised by the medications that I am taking. Remember the doctor said that it is not if I will get skin cancer, it is when will I get skin cancer. Boy, if that's not a pleasant thought. Speaking of doctors, I have a lung biopsy on Tuesday the 8th. Wish me luck.
It seems that every week I am ordering more medicines, what a mess. Thanks to all for their support, it really helps offset some of the medical expenses. Hopefully at some point, I can repay your kind generosity.
At some point in the near future I am going to explain, in detail, the psychological impact of this disease, the transplant and post transplant. You don't know how many times you think about death throughout the process. I mean an intimate look at your mortality, and whether this is your time to go or not. I never saw the white light or anything, but I felt sure that I couldn't take anymore. But that is for another day.
An interesting perspective that I heard this weekend is, when you are beginning to get frustrated by someone, step back and look at them from another angle. Not physically! Look at them as a neighbor or mother or brother, not as a salesperson or work mate. Try to understand there perspective.