Six months plus and counting. Getting ready for a garage sale tomorrow and Saturday. We've got a lot of Stuff to get rid of. Down sizing, you know. You don't realize how much "stuff" you accumulate over the years. Most of it unnecessary. Also getting ready for the move at the end of the month. A lot to do.
Health is good. Got a call from the clinic last week. Seems I have a different fungus. Sounds a little more severe. I did a little research and this is the first thing I found. "Fusarium infections are difficult to treat and the invasive forms are often fatal." Scared the heck out of me! I contacted Dr. Haddad and he put my mind somewhat at ease by responding, "Don't worry about that line. You are on gold-standard treatment. We will be watching you like a hawk over the next several weeks. This is treatable and I do think you are colonized with this in your airways. You likely inhaled this fungus". They told me I need to get on this new liquid anti-biotic immediately, so I drove to Tampa Friday and picked up the new prescription. Not a terrible tasting thing, as they had said. Definitely not a good tasting thing either.
I continue to get more energy, however, the real test will be the move and fixing up the new place. I will definitely have to pace myself. It will get done, just at a slower pace than I am used to.
We had a guest, Elaine, from Fredericksburg, VA here on Labor day. We hadn't seen here for 14 years. What a pleasant time we had. Thanks for your positive outlook, Elaine. Hope we see you again soon.
I hope everyone is doing well and thank God the summer is almost over.
Take care all.
With Love,