Only four years later

Only four years later
This is Jon in April 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

History III

Went home with Lovely Linda, still not wanting to accept everyone's diagnosis I started doing more research via the Internet. A warning about researching on the Internet, some is very useful but a lot is just plain CRAP! Be careful what you read and believe. I decided to get a 3rd opinion, and decided The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio was the best of the best. So, I checked with my insurance company and found them to be in network, so I made an appointment. We went in December 2009. Met with Dr. Jeffrey Chapman, a great guy and very knowledgeable. After 2 days of testing, he concurred with the other diagnosis, IPF. He thought it was a bit early for a transplant, but indicated that things could change rapidly. Boy did they, as I found out later. He wanted me to come back in three months for a follow up, then he said that within the year I would need the transplant. Not the news I wanted, but he didn't feel I needed a transplant right away. So, I had some more time to research. In January Tampa's Transplant team called to see what my status was. At that time I had taken a turn for the worse. I couldn't walk a flight of stairs, and needed 8 liters of oxygen 24 hours a day. I told TGH, (Tampa General Hospital), that I had met with Cleveland Clinic and they wanted to see me in 3 months for a follow up. The nurse, Kim, reminded me that they try to do things before you get so bad that you don't qualify for a lung transplant. I told her I wanted to wait for Cleveland Clinic. She said she would notify my local Pulmonologist and take me off of their list at TGH. She seemed a little pissey.

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