Hi. Well, I guess I'm not invincible like I thought. Had some swelling all along the incision, so I called my Transplant Coordinator who called the doctor who said come in Monday. So I went to the hospital Monday and he said that the wound was fine and that I probably tore scar tissue inside when I carried the 2 cases of water into the house from the car. Then he proceeds to tell me that they learned from the last biopsy that I had a fungus growing in my lungs. He didn't seem really concerned and he put me on a 90 day antibiotic treatment. I have to go back tomorrow to have blood drawn for lab work because this antibiotic is tough on the kidneys. They have to reduce the anti-rejection medicine Prograf, because it is also tough on the kidneys. Wow, what a balancing act. Now you know something like this wreaks havoc with your mind. I feel good, albeit still low energy. I have a little bit of a cough, but feeling good. Sleep is an issue once more, can't get more than 2 hours of sleep before I wake up and start thinking.
My Dad came down this week. We had lunch yesterday. He looks good. My sister, Chris and her husband Andy invited us to meet them in Orlando for the weekend. Chris has had health issues recently so I haven't seen her for quite some time. Thank God she seems to be back to good health. It should be a great weekend. Oh, we're also going to see Andy's brother Matt and his wife Joanne. Matt and I actually went to high school together and started a fence company, (short lived), while in high school.
I asked the doctor when am I really going to see a vast improvement in my ability to do things or is this as good as it gets? Remember they said at 3 months I would feel 20 years younger. Didn't happen, I feel good and I don't have to use oxygen, but not 20 years younger. Anyway, he said because I had the stroke, my rehab has been slowed. He said I will definitely see a great improvement at 6 months and then even more at 1 year. I hope so. This is really frustrating. Everything I do is a struggle. I know it could be a lot worse!
Enough boo hooing, I am really thankful for everything. Every once in a while the mind goes to a dark place. Thanks to everyone for their love and support. Thanks to everyone who ordered cookbooks. Especially, thanks to everyone for their donations.
Now, go out and do something good for someone today.
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