I received the results from my annual exams. Everything was good. Unfortunately, I was led to believe that my medicines would be reduced and I wouldn't have to come back for a year. WRONG! The only med they cut was Prednisone, the steroid, from 10 mg to 7.5mg daily. I also have to go back every three months for checkups. I am not complaining, I am a very lucky person. I believe after this next year it is every 6 months for checkups. The two people that were having annual exams at the same time that I was were sharing stories with me about their experiences. One had his transplant and then they had to go back in because of a blockage. Then they had to go back in again to drain liquid that had accumulated because of a virus. I can't imagine having my chest cut open three times in the matter of two months. He seemed to be doing well, just not very happy with life in general.
The second person had part of her lung removed many years ago, and they used the old scar as an entry point for the transplant. She was happy about that, and said that they had made the scar even smaller and less noticeable than before. She said the transplant went well, but while she was in the hospital she had stomach problems. Seems that scar tissue from a previous operation caused something to flare up in her stomach. They couldn't figure it out for quite some time. They had to operate again on her stomach to correct the problem. So, post transplant, she stayed in the hospital for 2 months.
Even though I had a stroke, I feel very blessed that I didn't have any complications, rejection or infection. No matter how bad you have it, remember that there is always someone who has it worse. So turn it around and realize how LUCKY you are.Live everyday to the fullest. Like the song says, "Live like your dieing".
Take Care.
Jon, Out.
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