Only four years later

Only four years later
This is Jon in April 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

History VI

So, I put my 1/2 banana away, threw out my cereal and coffee, and waited.  You can imagine the thoughts going through my mind at this point.  Will the lungs work? Will I be able to finally get off of this nasty oxygen? Will I finally stop coughing? And how about, will I survive the operation? Does the surgeon know what he's doing? And I wait.  Susan calls about 2 1/2 hours later to say they are still running tests but everything looks good.  She will call back. About 3p.m. Susan calls again. She says," OK, are you ready?"  I ask her ready for what?  She says everything looks good, come to the hospital.  WOW! I am now scared to death, but remain calm. I called Linda, whom I've been updating via text messaging, e-mail and phone calls.  I told her they want me to come to the hospital, and ask her if she is ready. She is now out of her mind with nervousness, she says yes and asks me what she is supposed to do. We had a plan in place, that we had discussed previously. She was so nervous, she couldn't remember what to do. I told her to take a deep breath and calm down. Then, I told her to meet me at her mother's house and the three of us would drive to the hospital together. I too, was nervous. It seemed like I was running around the house in circles trying to figure out what to do. I met Linda at her mother's house and the three of us drove to the hospital, which is about 45 minutes away from our home. After being admitted they take us to a hospital room to prepare me for surgery.  We met Kim and Susan, nurses on the Transplant Team, in the room and they told us that it is still a waiting game up until the surgeon comes back with lungs in hand and is satisfied everything is a go. At this point, they are asking me questions and having me dress in hospital gowns and laying in the bed. I am having , what I consider, an out of body experience. I am there, but I am watching from a far, at them asking questions of my body.  Weird, really weird. I'm not sure of all the details from this point on. I do know that they said the surgeon had arrived and he was pleased with everything and gave the go ahead about 8p.m. Linda tells me, they didn't wheel me in until after midnight. The surgery was supposed to be 10 to 12 hours long. I was done in 8 hours, I guess that's a good thing.....................

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